Legal Notice

Yor Personal information protection

Personal information.

How do we use the personal information you provide?

Alen Lobeiras is committed to protecting the confidentiality of the data provided by its users. This protection extends to everything related to the collection and use of information provided through the Internet. In this sense, Alen Lobeiras guarantees, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), that it will use the personal data of users confidentially and that the server where the data is stored and processed has the necessary security measures to prevent access by unauthorised third parties.

All the information you provide will be used exclusively to process orders and facilitate purchases in our shop, as well as to inform you of our news. Alen Lobeiras guarantees that the information provided will not be shared with third parties and/or companies.

You can modify and cancel the data you have provided by writing to